Friday, July 2, 2010

Showers of Blessings

Yesterday it rained harder than I have ever seen it rain in my life, which was a good thing, because the weather was also hotter than I have ever felt. We stood on the balcony over the basketball court to see the rain, but soon Brea, Levi and I found ourselves out in the rain with the kids. It was so much fun, we danced and played basketball. It was raining so hard that the water on the basketball court was 2 inches deep and the street in front of Open Door was flooded. One girl, Cheska, laid down on the ground and started waving her arms like she was making a snow angel. The rain was such a blessing after a long hot day.

The rain reminded me of how God is constantly showering us with blessings while we are here. When one out team mates is having a bad day he gives them time to rest. When one of the kids are driving us crazy, he sends another one to hug us and remind us of the good we are doing. One of the best things about this week was celebrating Joseph's birthday. He is 12 and hasn't celebrated a birthday since he was 7 and has never had a birthday party. When we gave him his cake I think he almost cried. His big sister couldn't contain her joy when we went to the store and picked out a giant piece of chocolate cake just for him. We take something as simple as a birthday party for granted so often, but for Joseph, it was everything.

Everyday we are here we are being showered with more blessing and learning new things about God and what he wants for our lives. Tonight we are having a tea party with the girls and Ate Tess and Chelsea has been asked to lead a devotion. Some of the children here are Christians and some are not, also some have been very hurt in the past and need healing or just to feel loved. Those who are Christians we are working on discipling. Twice this week we were able to include others in our evening group bible study. We hope to start some kind of bible study for older kids or just the girls soon. Thank you everyone for your prayers! I hope you have a great fourth of July!


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